Elemental Covid-19 Response Measures

Elemental Covid-19 Response Measures

Running a business through a disease outbreak crisis presents a serious challenge for organisations.Organizations need to give all stakeholders confidence, compassion and support to all those affected.There is also a very important role for businesses to play in helping communities reduce the spread of the pandemic. This responsibility is both a moral , ethical and sometimes a statutory necessity

We at Elemental are playing our part in adhering to guidelines from the World Health Organisation and our industry governing bodies. we have rolled out remote support plans for our clients to promote social distancing. All non critical maintenance is deferred while all technical issues that can be resolved remotely will be so resolved.

Enquiries and support can be directed to our emails info@elemental.co.zw or support@elemental.co.zw. We are also reachable on our mobile numbers that are displayed on our website and other platforms.

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